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Business Tasmania

Know your disaster risk

Use Part 1 of the Business Continuity Plan template and the Assessing disaster risk fact sheet to identify hazards and risks for your business. When you consider the natural disaster related risks to your business, you should:

  • Know your business - where it is vulnerable and what is important to its success.
  • Know the risks and hazards that affect the area where your business is located.

Tasmania's low humidity, temperate weather and extensive forest means that bushfire is a prominent natural hazard, particularly for wilderness tourism. Flood, storms and severe weather are also prominent Tasmanian hazards, while earthquakes and heatwaves are less common, but still pose risks.

There are lots of resources to help you understand natural hazard risks in your area. Some are listed below to help you get started.

If you are a tourism operator, the Tasmanian Visitor Information Network has a number of resources and information. If you are a primary producer, the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment has a number of resources that can be helpful.

If you are in a risk-prone area, you may want to get a professional risk assessment, such as a Bushfire Risk Assessment. Your local fire brigade or Tasmania Fire Service regional headquarters can provide further information on bushfire risk.

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